Sculpture and ceramics final portfolio

What project do you feel was your most successful? Explain your theme topic and process.

The relief project is the one piece that I could easily do with more expression of me. To do this piece you had to take your time and carefully plan out all the steps. Using a ruler, an exacto blade, and the pages of a book. I was able to create multiple book reliefs. I liked the topic the most because when you start to cut it starts out small or indistinct and then grows, to become the masterpiece you had envisioned before. The process had to be careful  with each cut and took lots of patience, I know for me I go through projects quickly and that gives me a disadvantage sometimes into how my pieces turn out. But this time I could easily move my blade and create whatever I wanted.  In the end it was worth it.

Which project do you feel was the least important in learning concepts taught in the course?

After all the projects we did in sculpture and ceramics the marble drop was the only outlier. We could have used any medium we wanted for  the other projects, clay, cardboard, resin. And even then the pieces we made were like pieces of art something to admire and or hang on the wall. But the marble drop was just and end of the semester take a break project. In this we got to work in a group which was a first because most of the projects we did were solo. Though I didn't really learn anything from this project it took a lot of creativity to be able to picture what and how you wanted your marble to fall. Not to mention having to make sure like every ten seconds that the marble would fit or go the course you intended. Though this project was small I enjoyed constructing it from nothing. It took vision and isn't that what art is all about.

What was your least favorite material to work with and why? How did you deal with it, why didn't' you like it?

For most of the projects ms. Sudkamp introduced the main go to medium was clay. To most its easy to work with, soft and manipulative. But for me I didn't really like clay, it would be too sensitive. Make sure you wedge it so there are no bubbles. Make sure don't dry it out or it will shrink. The slightest mis fingering would make a dent or mark or some kind of unwanted alteration. With my quick pace when making projects made it especially difficult to work with. Clay required slow even mature precision or it wouldn't be perfect.  I know there is no such thing as perfect but my clay pieces would never turn out the way I wanted them to. In the end it was okay because it made me open to other mediums, new ideas, and a broader learning experience.

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